Monday, July 30, 2007

Mazal Tov!

This weekend I attended one of my oldest and best friend's wedding in Birmingham, Alabama.

We arrived on Friday afternoon, checked into the hotel and took a nap. We then went to the B&A Warehouse for the rehearsal dinner. We met old friends, David and Stephanie's family, and some of David's fraternity brothers (I had met them a couple years back when I visited David in Athens). The dinner buffet was very good and of course, I helped myself to the open bar. The drink of the night: Budweiser.

The wedding was on Saturday at the Temple Emanu-El. The ceremony was beautiful and Stephanie looked wonderful in her wedding gown. The reception followed the ceremony at the Temple, and of course again, I helped myself to the open bar. The drink of the night: Crown and Coke. I do not remember the night too much, maybe I had a little too much to drink. But I do remember watching the guest do the Horah dance (I thought they only do that in the movies). Overall, it was a great weekend and I had a great time.

I just wanted to say congratulations to David and Stephanie. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you guys a long, wonderful life together. Thank you for inviting me to the wedding, I had a wonderful time. Mazal Tov!!

***Sorry I do not have any pics from the wedding. I did not bring my camera. I will post some pics if I get my hands on any.***

1 comment:

DLorberbaum said...

It was great getting to see you. Steph and I are glad that you had such a great time. As soon as I get some pics from my Mom or someone who had a camera those nights I will send them to you. Thank you for the kind message and getting to be with us on our special day. We will be in Dalton on the 18th so if you bring Tanner by don't let Steph see him because she may keep him.